Security Assessment — CICS

our services are industry-leading, as our staff members are highly trained U.S. Military Veterans and best trained civilians who have EXTENSIVE experience in counter-terrorism intelligence and network security management.

Security Assessment

  • System Auditing 
    • Do you know where your risk is?  Using both quantitative and qualitative measurements, our experts can identify previously unknown areas of risk to your people, processes, and technology.
  • Penetration Testing
    • While scanning and auditing are useful for identifying large areas of risk and maintaining most levels of compliance, they do not provide a viewpoint from adversarial forces on how they would attack your network.  By allowing our team to test network defenses against real-world scenarios and attacks, your organization can test and verify security measures as if they were being attacked.
  • Website Security
    • By securing your website, you are securing your digital real estate against theft, loss of service, and vandalism among many other threats.  If you secure your businesses physical location, why would you not secure your digital location?
  • Custom Application Testing
    • Application testing for security improvements acts as a safeguard for your development work.  While it is best to begin security testing while in initial development, it is always a good idea to test applications for security flaws that could expose confidential information such as customer, propriety, and financial information.
  • Compliance Assessments
    • PCI, SOX, HIPAA, HYTECH and other security compliance programs require regular scans to ensure compliance.  By staying compliant through scanning, your organization can avoid penalties and fines.
  • Other Expertise:
    • Wireless Networks
    • Mobile Device Policy and Procedure
    • VOIP Phone System
    • Operating Systems
    • CIS-CAT Review of Server Configuration
    • Remote Connection to Third Party Applications
    • External Web Applications
    • Physical Security | Red Team
    • Social Engineering